Yesterday the Joneses finally left the comforts of our immediate surroundings and got out and about in Japan a little. We took a successful journey to Nogeyama Zoo which included a train ride with 3 transfers. The previous day, we had finally found our way to Ikego, a base housing area that is a little bit closer to us than the main base. It was a great find, as Ikego has a mini-mart, stocking any essentials we may need plus some, a gas station, a cdc (childcare), a campground even, and, most important to this day, an incredibly convenient train station. The Jimmuji train station is practically built into Ikego housing with the new addition of a pedestrian bridge. We parked our car right in front of the station. With two children in tow, this is just an amazing convenience and practically unheard of around here. Even from the main base, there was a bit of a hike to the two stations closest by. On our first outing, Stel had almost had it by the time we even made it to the first station, which explains out hesitance to try again. But, now, things have changed!
So, after three successful transfers and a little walk, we made it to our destination, Nogeyama Zoo. This zoo required no admission fee, which probably explains the animals' surroundings - more cages than habitats. At least I hope that is the case and that not all of Japan's zoos are so, sad. It was more depressing than fun to see the big, beautiful tiger pacing back and forth in it's tiny cage.
Not only did Nogeyama zoo have big animals in small cages, but it also boasts the "Nakayoshi Hiroba", an area where zoo visitors can have hands on experience with guinea pigs, chicks, chickens, and mice. There were tables covered in tiny mice and guinea pigs waiting to pass from one child's hands to another, chickens running around freely (one of which who decided to jump up onto my leg unexpectedly), and tiny

chicks hovering by their heating element desparately hoping not to be snatch up again. Animal rights activists be darned around here! Oh, and the highlight of the "Nakayoshi Hiroba", the Christmas mouse display in all of it's kitschy Japanese splendor. Look closely.
Check photo journal page for more pictures.
Mice at a zoo? pretty sad! good pic of you and stell, #31.
Hey Guys,
How was Stel's birthday? Her present is in the mail. Tell her I said Happy Belated B-Day!
Love, Caitlin
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