Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things, stuff, goods

I'm back! I'm only assuming there's someone, somewhere out there who cares. It's been so long that it has taken an additional couple of minutes to get this post rolling since I had to reset the password that my brain must have omitted awhile ago. I have 2 kids watching Monsters Inc. on a rainy day and a few fleeting moments, so here I am sitting down to contribute to All Things Jones, the blog. Unfortunately there have been no exciting journeys or discoveries to report on in quite some time. Life abroad has either been unbloggable, or not abroad (3 months in Louisville). Instead, I am here to share with you a common occurrence in my life in Japan. There is a place, a wonderful, glorious place, here in Japanland. It's called "Daiso" (just hearing the word in my head gets me excited). The Daiso has things. Lots and lots of things. Tons and tons of things.

The Daiso is a ¥100 shop (100 yen), equivalent to our $1 stores. It's the largest franchise of ¥100's in Japan. So much so that it's name is often used in reference to ¥100's in general, much like Coke or Saran wrap or aspirin or Scotch tape or baggie or thermos (how many generic descriptors can you name?), by us gaijin. But not by me. Daiso is the best and I know it.

I think I may know it too well. As a matter of fact, I think I may have a problem. A trip to the Daiso can be an outing that takes hours for me, even though there is one less than a 5 minute drive from the house. I often come home with a sense of guilt, feeling as if I've given them too much of my time and money. Like I'm an addict. But, holding true to addict behavior, while I'm in the midst of it, it's oh so good. There's just so much to look at and to find. Did I mention they have things, stuff, lots of stuff?

Back to school obento supplies:

Bins, baskets, and buckets, yay
The Japanese tend to hang the laundry outside to dry.
And they are well prepared for it.

Tiny little signs.
I need a spray bottle, but it HAS to be a pink one.
And round.
The wall of glue.
Plastic bags of every shape and size.
And even more in every character and cartoon.
Isn't is marvelous?! Organization galore, glory, glory!! Craft and art supplies, heaven. Japanese knic knacks, souvenirs, and curiosities, fun. I love this place. In the very least, if my Daiso behavior isn't quite addict quality, it is, for sure, kid in a candy shopesque.

In Tokyo, there's a 5 story Daiso and I've even heard tales of a 7 story Daiso across Tokyo Bay in Chiba. I've withheld, so far.

Special thanks to my gorgeous little Vanna for showing off the Daiso GOODS.