Monday, October 19, 2009
Mikoshi Time
Friday, August 21, 2009
Home sweet Homes

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Disney Sea is the place to be
The Jones family (along with Mamaw, who is here for a visit) spent our Memorial Day at phase 2 of the Tokyo Disney Resort - the one and only Tokyo Disney Sea. I wish it was a smaller world than it actually is and that there wasn't 6,000 + miles between KY and this original Disney wonderland.
Monday, May 18, 2009
On US soil, once again
With this move to Japan, we've been able to experience a new and different culture, Nippon style - the shrines, the konbinis, the social rules, hello kitty. But, we've also been immersed into another very new type of culture - Military culture. My maternal grandfather served in the military for a very long time, as did all 4 of my maternal uncles (my Uncle Gary's gravesite lies in Arlington in the shadow of the Pentagon), and even my own father served for while. But, while my mom spent her whole childhood in this culture, I have had no previous experience. My dad's run in the Air Force ended before my time and I don't remember my grandfather or uncles being on active duty, except Gary, but his whereabouts and activities were always a secret. I think he was some kind of spy. For real.

Friday, April 17, 2009
Haru in Japan

Friday, March 27, 2009
Recent Beauty that has Blessed my eyes and lens

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Lacey talk
Lacey talks alot, and knows what she is saying (she's been saying the same phrase over and over for 2 days now) - we just can't understand her yet.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Update on the girls
The video below was not of her first steps, but of the several proceeding.
Stella is on her way to becoming a jack (or jill, I guess) of all trades. Along with Sunny Hill School, which she attends on Tues. and Thurs., she is also taking an art class, ballet lessons, and is participating in the smart start basketball program onbase.
Here's are links to her art program and an article about her 'sensei'.
The other day, while we were driving to her first ballet lesson, Stella says to me, "Oh, this is so great! Now, I can be an artist, a ballerina, and a basketballer when I get big!"
This video was of her first day, so we hadn't yet bought her anything to wear. I know seeing her in her ballet attire made my heart melt, so I will post some pictures when I get them.
On another note, I got a really good affirmation on our choice to take this opportunity and move to a foreign country. Stel was watching Kung Fu Panda last night and she asks (with more indignation than curiosity), "If they live in China, then why are they all speaking English?". Her view of the world is broadening and that makes me so proud.
We are looking into schools for next year, her last year of preschool. We go to see an international school on Monday and will check into the co-op preschool onbase. I'm not too keen about sending her to a Japanese yochien, as I've been told that education parallels the Japanese idea of the group consciousness with structured play and proper social behavior. Although, I am sure this course has it's merits, I am more apt to want to put her on a more creativity driven and expressive course, especially since we do not have long term plans for living in Japan.
But, of course they aren't all days full of wonder, excitement, and joy! Stel is seriously 4 going on 13 and Lace is like a moth to a flame when it comes to dangerous &/or destructive situations. I'm wondering if perhaps we have the opposite situation going on here. Stella was such a good toddler who stayed out of trouble, for the most part, but now, whew, man. So maybe the terrible 3's and 4's won't be so intense with Lacey. Hmmm. We'll see and I'll keep you updated!
Until next time (and I'll try to make it sooner rather than later)...